PPS Safe Routes to School Header


    Walk, Bike, and 上学



    PPS Safe Routes to School is a collaborative partnership between 线上博彩平台, Portland Bureau of 运输 (PBOT), 地铁, and Oregon Department of 运输 (ODOT) promoting active transportation getting 学生 safely to and from school. 我们致力于创造安全, 容易, and fun ways for kids to walk, 自行车, 滑冰, 疾走, 坐公交车或拼车上学.



    Our mission is to serve a diverse community of parents, 学生, and organizations through advocating for and promoting the use of active and shared transportation to and from schools throughout the Portland area. To accomplish our mission, we use the 6 E’s of Safe Routes to School.



    6 Es of Safe Routes program: equity, education, encouragement, evaluation, engagement, engineering


    Why Walk or 上学?

    • Students arrive at school energized and better prepared to focus.
    • Studies show many 学生 do not get the recommended level of physical activity each day- walking and rolling to school builds this physical activity into an everyday routine.
    • School streets are safer with fewer vehicles during pick-up and drop-off.
    • Less air pollution surrounding schools creates a healthier learning environment.
    • Communities build better connections between neighbors through walking or rolling together.
    • Student safety is improved through pedestrian and biking education programs.
    • Students gain more independence.
    • 散步和滚动很有趣!



    领导一辆步行校车, volunteer to be a crossing-guard, help with a Walk + 上学 event or 自行车 rodeo, 教孩子骑自行车, or support a 自行车 safety community ride! 有很多方法 参与!


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