Beach School


1710 N Humboldt StPortland, OR 97217Ph 503-916-6236Fx 503-916-2315

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  • 我对比奇很重要,比奇对我也很重要!
    ¡A mi me Importa la Escuela Beach y Yo le importo a la Escuela Beach! 


  • Gain access to the 海滩线上博彩平台指南 through the Membership Toolkit app. 你可以在beachpta网上注册 If you've already registered, simply log in to confirm your family's information. 这个快速的过程将花费你不到3分钟的时间来完成.

    Additionally, don't forget to download our free app by searching for "Membership Toolkit" to make directory access even more convenient. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us at

School Newsletter

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  • May Updates

  • 12月1日通讯

  • Important Information! Please Read.

    Beach Families,

    由于PAT教师罢工,今天不上课. Please monitor communications sent directly from PPS with updates as this will be the primary communication source. Beach is a meal distribution site with pick-up today between 11:30-1:00 at the cafeteria entrance by the playground. 这栋楼不对外营业.

Principals Message

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  • ...

    随着我们进入新的一个月和不断变化的季节, I find myself reflective of what has been accomplished by our team already this year and focused on the momentum that is building as we learn about and connect with our students over time.

    This past month I have personally learned a lot, and know there is much more to learn. 从我最早的谈话到今天, I am hearing many shared goals and hopes for how school will support each of our students in being affirmed, confident, prepared, 在学习中寻找乐趣. A clear sentiment has also emerged about feeling the loss of celebration and tradition after multiple years navigating important safety measures and pauses on how we come together.

    As a school, we are committed and energized by the ability to rebuild and re-imagine our school experiences and opportunities that bring us together, in community. We are actively working to design school specific events as a staff and through partnership with other organizations, such as the BCU. Our actions will be guided by the commitment to inclusivity and being mindful of how our decisions contribute to a sense of belonging and learning.

    I am hopeful and confident that what we will create will expand and honor the spirit of our shared goals for each of our students. No matter the day of the year, this is what we are always seeking to accomplish.

    We look forward to sharing more and appreciating the contributions of ideas for what brings us together!


    - Kelli

Garden Journal

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  • 海滩花园之友:保存日期周日11月6日 & Other News


    Next work party  
    Let's hope for rain by then to soften the grounds for easier weeding. 甚至可能种植一些植物! 
    里安农·伦纳德是我们的海滩花园协调员, bringing gardening education and experiences into the classroom and teaching the SUN gardening program. If you've been paying attention, she's hugely transformed the vegetable garden in the last six weeks. If not ;) a photo of the dense jungle it was in August is attached as reminder. More updates here: 
    Rhiannon continues to do prep work in the gardens Wednesdays 1pm-3pm. 每周都来参加吧. Because this is during school hours, you will need to have completed the PPS义工背景调查 and should check in with the office before heading to the gardens.
    Project wishlist
    我邀请你们参与进来 project wishlist. 你认为短期和长期的项目是什么? 你能提供什么角度的项目已经列出? 
    As a parent, neighbor, teacher, etc, what do you see as the biggest priorities? 什么能最好地支持学生和员工? 你愿意领导这些努力吗? 
    Surely many of these projects will be more than we can take on entirely as a scrappy group of volunteers, but we can use this list to come together on priorities and see what resources we can drum up over time to make our vision(s) happen. 
    Would you have interest in adopting a small area of the garden/grounds, that is, 半定期检查维护情况? For example, watering new plantings in front of the Beach sign while we wait for rain, 从树上修剪吸盘, keeping tabs on the tree-of-heaven menace that keeps popping its head up around the blacktop, and more. 如果有的话,给我发个便条,告诉我你感兴趣的领域!
    Add'l shout outs
    Thank you to Jude Hawley for the donations of the plants in front of the Beach sign and her continuing care of them (where's the rain!?!). 
    And thank you to Autumn Davidson for lending tree watering bags to some drought-suffering young trees!
    Ali Lucas
  • 园艺杂志9 / 10月


District News

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  • Earthstock给水晶舞厅带来欢乐

     两个学生在Earthstock 2024跳舞.

    A little over 30 years ago, a Madison High School student named Joseph Janson had a simple wish. 他想去参加舞会. 但对约瑟来说,没有什么是简单的, who was born with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and was confined to a wheelchair. 

    他向托尼·尼兹吐露了他的愿望, who at that time was an educational assistant at Madison (now Leodis V. McDaniel High School). Tony had been working one-on-one with Joseph for months and he immediately went about making the young man’s dream come true.

    “事实是,我愿意为约瑟夫做任何事,”尼茨说. “他是一个独特的人,我们之间有一种非常特殊的联系.”

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  • 格伦科小学 Counselor and GSA Coordinator Pens a Book About Chosen Family

     This is a photo of Madi Bourdon's book, A Kid's Book About Chosen Family.


    According to the 格伦科小学 counselor and Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) coordinator, 他们只花了一个半小时就完成了 一本亚洲博彩平台选择家庭的儿童读物这本书今年3月由A Kid 's Co发行. publishing.

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  • Mission Accomplished: Roosevelt Senior Helps Green Card Holders Obtain U.S. Citizenship


    For the past three years, Alondra Nieves Barajas has been both student and teacher.

    Most days, 罗斯福高中的高三学生在上课, does her homework, 和其他18岁的孩子一样和朋友们在一起. 但在周三晚上, 你可以在前台找到她, teaching adults – often much older than herself – the ins and outs of the United States naturalization test.

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  • PPS能源高级项目经理 & 可持续发展受邀参加白宫峰会

    When Aaron Presberg first got the email from the White House, he thought it was some sort of prank. 

    Then he shared the message with a few colleagues who assured him that it was no joke, 以及他被邀请到华盛顿的激动人心的事实, D.C. to present at the White House’s first-ever Summit for Sustainable and Healthy K–12 School Buildings and Grounds started to sink in.

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