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  • Earthstock Brings the Joy to the Crystal Ballroom

     两个学生在Earthstock 2024跳舞.

    A little over 30 years ago, a Madison High School student named Joseph Janson had a simple wish. 他想去参加舞会. 但对约瑟来说,没有什么是简单的, who was born with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy 和 was confined to a wheelchair. 

    他向托尼·尼兹吐露了他的愿望, who at that time was an educational assistant at Madison (now Leodis V. 麦克丹尼尔高中). Tony had been working one-on-one with Joseph for months 和 he immediately went about making the young man’s dream come true.

    “The truth is, I would have done anything for Joseph,” Nitz said. “He was a unique person, 和 we had a very special bond.”

  • 格伦科小学 Counselor 和 GSA Coordinator Pens a Book About Chosen Family

     This is a photo of Madi Bourdon's book, A Kid's Book About Chosen Family.

    Madi Bourdon’s first book practically wrote itself. 

    According to the 格伦科小学 counselor 和 Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) coordinator, 他们只花了一个半小时就完成了 一本亚洲博彩平台选择家庭的儿童读物这本书今年3月由A Kid 's Co发行. 出版.

  • Mission Accomplished: Roosevelt Senior Helps Green Card Holders Obtain U.S. 公民身份


    For the past three years, Alondra Nieves Barajas has been both student 和 teacher.

    大多数日子里, the senior from 罗斯福高中 attends class, 她做家庭作业吗?, 和 spends time with her friends just like any other 18-year-old. 但在周三晚上, 你可以在前台找到她, teaching adults – often much older than herself – the ins 和 outs of the United States naturalization test.

  • PPS能源高级项目经理 & 可持续发展受邀参加白宫峰会

    When Aaron Presberg first got the email from the White House, he thought it was some sort of prank. 

    Then he shared the message with a few colleagues who assured him that it was no joke, 和 the exciting reality that he had been invited to Washington, D.C. to present at the White House’s first-ever Summit for Sustainable 和 Healthy K–12 School Buildings 和 Grounds started to sink in.


