Peninsula K-5 School

Home of the Panthers

8125 N. EmeraldPortland, OR 97217Ph (503) 916-6275Fx (503) 916-2662

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Peninsula News

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  • Dates to Remember

    Last Day of School: Friday, June 14th 2024

  • Summer Reading Program

    在这个夏天,每天阅读,继续学习、放松和成长. 参加摩特诺玛县图书馆的暑期阅读计划. Details here. 

    所有PPS学生都可以在摩特诺玛县图书馆借阅资料. 此处的帐户访问信息. 

  • Connect to Kinder


    • Important Program Update: On Tuesday, January 24, 2023, the PPS Board of Education voted to modify our PPS Compulsory Enrollment; Age and Grade Level at Entrance Board Policy (4.10.020-P). This modification eliminated our previous practice of offering an Early Entry to Kindergarten exception. Our policy now reads: "A child will be admitted to Kindergarten if their fifth birthday occurs on or before September 1.

  • 需要社区义工

    Our community enjoys bringing their canine companions to school grounds during hours when students and after-school programs are not using the facilities.

    Unfortunately, those sneaky canines manage to poop on our field and create some stinky situations for students and staff. 

    我们决定组建一个便便巡逻队! Click here 了解详情并报名换班.

    no pooping

  • Reporting Student Absences

    Email student absences to Sara Gilds or call/leave a message on the attendance line at 503-916-5275.

    了解更多亚洲博彩平台学生缺课的俄勒冈州法律 here.


Enrichment News


    enrichment definition

    在半岛中学,阅读、写作和数学是基础. Enrichments are essential. 它们给阅读带来乐趣,给表达带来创造力. Enrichment classes teach cross-curricular skills that demonstrate to students how math applies to art, music, physical education, and beyond. Enrichments are the colorful ties that bind the fully educated child together. 每一位认证教师都有自己的专业,还有它自己的一套教育标准. Most enrichment teachers have stand-alone classes and all collaborate with homeroom teachers to make curricular connections. We want students to know math doesn't just happen in "math class," it's all around us. 丰富是学生参与线上博彩平台活动的基础. Enrichments foster agency within a child and their ability to participate in their education.  

    Each month you will receive a newsletter from all of us updating you on what is happening in our classes and subject area specialties.

    Visit our Teacher Tech Portal for additional information. 
    Each teacher has a website. 点击一个名字来查看他们的网站.

    Kirsten Slane, Art
    Patrick Nearing, Music
    Matt Challender, PE
    Jenny Gapp, Library
    Samara Carranza, Counselor



    Oregon Arts Standards (includes Music and Art)




District News

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  • 小麦克丹尼尔在州独奏音乐比赛中获得最高荣誉

    When Beckham Weatherby picks up his tuba, the rest of the world falls away. 

    “I don’t get that nervous and I don’t get stage fright at all,” he said. “I guess I got lucky with how my body reacts to performing in front of crowds.”

    Which is something the McDaniel High School junior has done quite a bit of lately. Not only is he a member of the prestigious Portland Youth Philharmonic (PYP) and the PYP conservatory orchestra, but he recently earned first prize in the tuba solo performance category at the Oregon State Solo Music Championships.

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  • 一路平安,艾丽小姐:在PPS工作了50年的老师退休了


    The first things you notice when you walk into Ellie Jensen’s classroom at 博伊西-艾略特/洪堡小学 are peace and warmth. 然后你听到孩子们的笑声. Then you just might see two posters hanging on the walls that tell you a great deal about the kind of teacher she has been for the past 50 years. The posters simply say, “Leave a little sparkle wherever you go” and “Be a friend.”

    Jensen, known as “Miss Ellie” to the hundreds of students she has taught in her half a century as a Portland Public Schools educator, 忍不住要点亮房间. 她是所有孩子的朋友. 

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  • 食品储藏室得到改造,由麦克丹尼尔的CTE艺术学生提供

    We dare you to drive by the Mainspring Food Pantry on the corner of 82nd Avenue and Fremont and not do a double take. Or a triple take. 

    Students from McDaniel High School’s art-focused Career Technical Education (CTE) class have spent the last four weeks turning the exterior walls of the pantry into one, huge, joyful mural as part of the course’s exploration of climate justice and community engagement.

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  • Earthstock给水晶舞厅带来欢乐

     两个学生在Earthstock 2024跳舞.

    A little over 30 years ago, a Madison High School student named Joseph Janson had a simple wish. He wanted to go to a dance. 但对约瑟来说,没有什么是简单的, who was born with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and was confined to a wheelchair. 

    他向托尼·尼兹吐露了他的愿望, who at that time was an educational assistant at Madison (now Leodis V. McDaniel High School). Tony had been working one-on-one with Joseph for months and he immediately went about making the young man’s dream come true.

    “事实是,我愿意为约瑟夫做任何事,”尼茨说. “他是一个独特的人,我们之间有一种非常特殊的联系.”

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    School Office Hours 


    7:30am - 3:30pm 




    Parent Communications


    Latest parent news: 6/13


    Teachers request that, 代替今年为个别孩子购买用品, 家长向线上博彩平台捐款, 给予教师自行购买教学用品的自由. 每个年级都有自己的资金来源. Consider donating to each grade level fund in which you have a student enrolled. Lists are included in the School Pay link, so community members can see how the money will be spent. 除了背包外,请不要从这些清单中购买物品, headphones, waterbottles, 和三环活页夹(仅限五年级). 
    For more information on School Pay, and activating your parent account, click here










    Peninsula uses a communication app called Remind to distribute information from the school. 下载应用程序并获取更多信息. here
    Messages are best read if you download the Remind app onto your phone and/or desktop. 
    Once you have downloaded the app, turn on notifications so you don't miss new content.
    如果你不经常使用手机或电脑, 请与办公室联系,我们将为您服务.
    你的学生的老师可能会交流班级特定的信息. 使用不同的沟通方式.


    parentue是一个提供安全的网站, 私人访问线上博彩平台和学生的信息, 包括课堂作业, attendance, emergency contacts on file, the school calendar, 以及老师的正规博彩平台. Parents and guardians can see information for all of their students who attend Portland Public Schools in one place. For students at the secondary level, student assignments and grades are available. 

    Click on the link to get started. Each parent or guardian will need an activation key (linked to the email address on file).  线上博彩平台秘书可以提供钥匙. 注意:如果你打电话给线上博彩平台要激活密钥, 你必须用档案上的电话号码打.

    Each student also has an account to access the student version of this website, called StudentVue.

    Free and Reduced Lunch

    BREAKFAST and LUNCH are FREE for ALL Peninsula students during the 22-23 school year. Completing these forms helps Peninsula get access to other resources we may be entitled to.

    免费和减价午餐表格可在线上博彩平台咖啡厅找到.COM 你将需要你的学生证号码来完成文书工作. If the student is a returning Portland Public Schools student their ID number can be found on their report card or in ParentVue. If the student is new to Portland Public Schools, you can get an ID number from the school office.

    如果你有学生在半岛以外的线上博彩平台, 哪里的午餐对所有学生都免费, 你仍然需要申请半岛学院的学生.

    Box Tops have gone DIGITAL! 

    现在为线上博彩平台筹集资金比以往任何时候都容易.  Download the Box Top App, scan your receipt, and earn the school money.  
    Click on the image to see the Box Top Flier to see the how to active the app.
    Box Tops



  • Safe Oregon Tipline