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  • 弗农IB世界线上博彩平台:


  • Earthstock Brings the Joy to the Crystal Ballroom

     两个学生在Earthstock 2024跳舞.

    A little over 30 years ago, a Madison High School student named Joseph Janson had a simple wish. 他想去参加舞会. 但对约瑟来说,没有什么是简单的, who was born with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and was confined to a wheelchair. 

    他向托尼·尼兹吐露了他的愿望, who at that time was an educational assistant at Madison (now Leodis V. 麦克丹尼尔高中). Tony had been working one-on-one with Joseph for months and he immediately went about making the young man’s dream come true.

    “The truth is, I would have done anything for Joseph,” Nitz said. “He was a unique person, and we had a very special bond.”

  • 格伦科小学 Counselor and GSA Coordinator Pens a Book About Chosen Family

     This is a photo of Madi Bourdon's book, A Kid's Book About Chosen Family.

    Madi Bourdon’s first book practically wrote itself. 

    According to the 格伦科小学 counselor and Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) coordinator, it only took them an hour and a half to finish 一本亚洲博彩平台选择家庭的儿童读物, which came out this March with A Kid’s Co. 出版.

  • Mission Accomplished: Roosevelt Senior Helps Green Card Holders Obtain U.S. 公民身份


    For the past three years, Alondra Nieves Barajas has been both student and teacher.

    大多数日子里, the senior from 罗斯福高中 attends class, 她做家庭作业吗?, and spends time with her friends just like any other 18-year-old. 但在周三晚上, 你可以在前台找到她, teaching adults – often much older than herself – the ins and outs of the United States naturalization test.

  • PPS能源高级项目经理 & Sustainability Invited to White House Summit

    When Aaron Presberg first got the email from the White House, he thought it was some sort of prank. 

    Then he shared the message with a few colleagues who assured him that it was no joke, and the exciting reality that he had been invited to Washington, D.C. to present at the White House’s first-ever Summit for Sustainable and Healthy K–12 School Buildings and Grounds started to sink in.



  • 你好,弗农社区,

    Vernon is a diverse and vibrant neighborhood school with an international focus. 因为弗农是多元化的家园, 有创意的, 以及支持性社区, it lends itself like no other to the 国际学士学位 (IB) program. Our diverse population and the IB framework help to create a uniquely rich school culture.

    Vernon is an authorized 国际学士学位/Primary Years Program (IB/PYP grades K-5) and 国际学士学位/Middle Years Program (IB/MYP grades 6-8). Our teachers have completed extensive IB training that helps them hone their skills in the latest instructional practices, assessment and child development in order to bring your child an educational experience that is world-renowned.  We know that IB offers tremendous advantages for students, helping them to become internationally minded students who can be successful at any level.

    Our use of the IB framework allows us to provide a well-rounded program that incorporates the PPS curriculum with a focus on conceptual learning and our connectedness to a global society. In kindergarten through eighth grade, students explore world language. 除了, our curriculum builds on district and state standards delivered through internationally developed, research-supported educational practices. Inquiry is a primary vehicle for learning, and is used to integrate higher order thinking, 质疑, and application of content knowledge through interdisciplinary learning. Students participate in authentic projects that promote responsible citizenship, applying content knowledge through community action. Developing students as learners is fundamental to IB, and our use of Learner Profile as well as IB Attitudes and Outcomes help us strive to be the best we can be. Students regularly assess and reflect on their mastery of becoming a thoughtful learner.

    Finally, parents are actively involved at Vernon. 线上博彩平台s are welcome in classrooms, helping to extend and enrich the curriculum. Programs offered through our SUN after school program provide additional academic and enrichment opportunities to hundreds of students each year. We invite families to join us for these wonderful opportunities as part of our learning community. 作为弗农的校长, I hear everyone from staff to families talk about the positive atmosphere here. They describe Vernon as a place that just feels good to be, where the environment is deeply caring. 弗农的优质员工, dedicated to academic achievement for all, makes Vernon a great place to learn for over 460 students.




    Mr. keefe

