•  6-8 Language Arts, Social Sciences, & 古人

    现在比以往任何时候都重要, we are at a pivotal point where we must rise up to change the status quo for our Black, 布朗和土著学生. They deserve this, they need this. We are educators committed to interrupting the existing educational inequities and focusing on dismantling the status quo.  当我们进入2020-21年, we strive to meet our promise of the graduate portrait for our Black, 棕色(的), 和本土学生.  As we rethink what it looks like to support student success, we made a few decisions that are reflective of our PPS Theory of Action focused on Black 和本土学生.


    Curriculum Shifts for Middle School Social Studies

    Per ODE expectations, we are rolling out 2018 standards across all middle school grades.

    Grade 6: Western Hemisphere Studies

    Grade 7: Eastern Hemisphere Studies

    Grade 8: US History and Government Through Reconstruction

    In order to accommodate for any overlap from students' 6th grade experiences, we'll be providing supplemental units from the 当前的 6th grade curriculum for 7th grade teachers to utilize for the 2020-2021 school year only. These will be the units in Atlas titled "Empires" and "Colonization and Genocide." Because these are supplementary, the timing can be determined by the school. 7th grade teachers will also have the option - this year only - of dropping the Early Humans, City States and Civilizations since it was content previously housed in 6th grade. 

    In all grades, always find the most up-to-date version of all units in Atlas. We'll be migrating the supplemental units into the 7th Grade curriculum this week. Though our teams continue to provide additional resources and information, 的标准, 伟大的想法, essential questions are all in place and ready to support teachers who are looking to plan early.


    PPS董事会目标: 到2022年春天, 线上博彩平台 8th grade students will move from 44% meeting proficiency in both English Language Arts and Mathematics (2018-2019 baseline) to 51% meeting proficiency in both subjects as measured by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.


    6-8 PPS课程

    All core curriculum can be found by visiting the link below:

    PPS and Family and Community Curriculum Site


    PPS Instructional 资源 (students access curriculum through Canvas):


    • TCI-历史活着!
    • 3-8普通文学
    • 青少年图书云
    • K-8 Raz Kids
    • K-8 Lexia Power Up 
    • 6-12 Classroom eBook Set Titles

    • K-8级汉语
    • Tumble图书图书馆

    • 给孩子的时间
    • 世界上的书

    • 教室图书馆
    • Leveled Libraries in every classroom