

Degrees and Certifications:


Hi, my name is Heather and I am so excited to be working at Ida B. 今年的井! I have over two decades in education, having received my M.A.T. 从刘易斯 & Clark, 1997年. I have a social justice activist and songwriter past and have been fortunate enough to teach at some of Oregon’s finest, including Lincoln (a 网站委员会 member) and Marshall High Schools and West Sylvan Middle (PPS), West Linn High (spearheading their Senior Capstone program), a school for dyslexic students, and Ashland and Woodburn High Schools. My passions are literacy, 选取, helping students understand their history and ability to affect change, co-creating inclusive communities, and bringing joy into learning. I have also spent a decade as a life coach, and as a director of a small NE Portland community center dedicated to diversity and equity in health and wellness (two years). I came to Portland in 1988 from Alaska, love nature and animals, have lived overseas, speak Spanish and am multi-racial of Cajun-Creole descent. I look forward to having a great year with you all! I am currently working towards my administrative license, so you may see me filling in here and there as an administrator intern!