

Degrees and Certifications:


Ms. Stayton is a paraeducator. She has worked at Ida B. 17口井
年. 教学前, she worked in residential treatment, at a home for at-risk teen moms, and at a children's mental hospital. In her free time, she loves exploring Oregon, reading
books, and watching movies/ TV shows. Her favorite genre is fantasy/science fiction.  She loves the show 陌生的东西, because of its unique humor and psychological aspects. In high school, Stayton participated in theater or drama and thought it was fantastic. She loved seeing her peers in a new light, and she was able to be creative in a non-stressful environment. She also liked the fact that people were given permission to be silly, and their authentic selves. Her favorite thing about working at Ida B. Wells is the students. She says, “I appreciate the lack of filter when you guys are encountering new ideas or experiences. I think that you often express a lot of truth, and because you're not as invested in the status quo of the world...you are more willing to think critically about the world in the way that adults sometimes aren't.”

写的 埃路易斯布莱恩, Intro to Communications, Fall 2022