

Degrees and Certifications:


蒂姆无爱 teaches Social Studies, AP Government, Philosophy and 大学 职业生涯 Exploration. He has been teaching for 28 years and his favorite thing about teaching is his interactions with students. “在哲学, I like struggling for answers and hearing what other people have to say,Loveless说。. He grew up in Yucca Valley, California with his family and he received his Bachelor's degree at University of California, Riverside and obtained his teaching credential at California State Chico. 他喜欢徒步旅行。, 阅读, 野营, snowboarding and hopes to one day hike the Oregon section of the Pacific Crest Trail. The important people in his life are his wife, his three kids, his mom and his two cats.

写的 艾薇Lurie, Intro to Communications, Fall 2023