

Degrees and Certifications:

Scott Guthrie

Scott Guthrie is a veteran here at Ida B. Wells, for this year marks his 29th year of teaching. Guthrie teaches Forensic Science and Climate Science/Climate Justice. Guthrie graduated from Portland State with a Math and Computer Science degree, and then went on to get his master's degree at Lesley University in Cambridge, 麻萨诸塞州. Guthrie loves rocks and actually got his teaching license in Geology. 在教学之前, Guthrie tutored students at Portland State University and helped elementary school teachers pass the math section on the  teacher certification exam. In his free time, Guthrie works on his old car, 遛狗, and explores the wonderful state of Oregon. 

写的 海伦Deneffe, Intro to Journalism, Fall 2021