

北查尔斯顿大道7439号波特兰,OR 97203Ph (503) 916-6266Fx (503) 916-2641

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  • 欢迎回来——重要的日子


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  • 返校之夜


  • 返校之夜

    Come Join us for our in person back to school night September 15th from 5:30-7:30pm 

  • 返校烧烤

    Come join us after our Community care day for a back to school BBQ 12-1pm 

  • 社区关怀日/双肩包赠送

    On Saturday, August 27th (9-12pm) we will be holding our Community Care Day. We are asking for volunteers to come out and help clean up our school grounds. We will also be handing out backpacks to all our students. 

  • James John Campfire afterschool program

    JJ Multi-Site Manager: Stephanie Vera, svera@campfirecolumbia.org, 503-758-9111
    JJ Camp Fire Site Supervisor: Angelica Brown 
    For registration and billing questions email ppsreg@campfirecolumbia.org
    亚洲博彩平台Camp Fire: 
    • Builds strong and genuine relationships with children, families, and school staff. We offer children a sense of belonging in a safe, engaging, and educational environment.
    • Provides daily after school homework time to give children an opportunity to work with staff and their peers to strengthen their academic skills.
    • Programming is intentional and outcome-based, and developed with the needs and interests of youth in mind.
    • Encourages children to develop and facilitate service-learning projects that help connect them to their communities.
    • Offers diverse curriculum to inspire children to “Find their Spark”, 教他们保持好奇心, 订婚了, 和学习.
    • Develops children’s leadership skills through youth-led clubs, allowing them to practice leading their peers and writing their own curriculum.
    • We are responsive to the communities we serve and make thoughtful and intentional adjustments to our programs as needed.
    • We are an Employment Related Day Care support (ERDC) approved provider and offer financial aid for low-income families.
    • We invest in outstanding staff who far surpass the state training standards. 培训 topics covered include Positive
    • 行为干预 & 支持(PBIS), 成长心态, cultural responsiveness and inclusion, 蒸汽(科学, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学), 集团便利, 课程开发, 健康的习惯, 还有更多!


  • McDaniel Junior Takes Top Honors in State Solo Music Contest

    When Beckham Weatherby picks up his tuba, the rest of the world falls away. 

    “I don’t get that nervous and I don’t get stage fright at all,” he said. “I guess I got lucky with how my body reacts to performing in front of crowds.”

    Which is something the McDaniel High School junior has done quite a bit of lately. Not only is he a member of the prestigious Portland Youth Philharmonic (PYP) and the PYP conservatory orchestra, but he recently earned first prize in the tuba solo performance category at the Oregon State Solo Music Championships.

  • Bon Voyage, Miss Ellie: Teacher Retires After 50 Years at PPS

    Miss Ellie helps students hold a chick.

    The first things you notice when you walk into Ellie 詹森’s classroom at Boise-Eliot/Humboldt 小学 are peace and warmth. Then you hear the laughter of children. Then you just might see two posters hanging on the walls that tell you a great deal about the kind of teacher she has been for the past 50 years. The posters simply say, “Leave a little sparkle wherever you go” and “Be a friend.”

    詹森, known as “Miss Ellie” to the hundreds of students she has taught in her half a century as a Portland Public Schools educator, 忍不住要点亮房间. 她是所有孩子的朋友. 

  • Food Pantry Gets a Makeover, Courtesy of McDaniel’s CTE Art Students

    We dare you to drive by the Mainspring Food Pantry on the corner of 82nd Avenue and Fremont and not do a double take. 或者三拍. 

    Students from McDaniel High School’s 艺术-focused Career Technical Education (CTE) class have spent the last four weeks turning the exterior walls of the pantry into one, 巨大的, joyful mural as p艺术 of the course’s exploration of climate justice and community engagement.

  • E艺术hstock Brings the Joy to the Crystal Ballroom

     Two students dance at E艺术hstock 2024.

    A little over 30 years ago, a Madison High School student named Joseph Janson had a simple wish. 他想去参加舞会. 但对约瑟来说,没有什么是简单的, who was born with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and was confined to a wheelchair. 

    他向托尼·尼兹吐露了他的愿望, who at that time was an educational assistant at Madison (now Leodis V. 麦克丹尼尔高中). Tony had been working one-on-one with Joseph for months and he immediately went about making the young man’s dream come true.

    “The truth is, I would have done anything for Joseph,” Nitz said. “He was a unique person, and we had a very special bond.”
